
USA, abbreviation of United States of America, is a highly developed country and holds 4.3% of the world population. It is also the largest economy by GDP as per the World Bank. Study in USA is popular among the students of all the nations of the world. United States of America is the home to the highest number of international students. United States is world’s fourth largest country by area and third largest by population. Many of the international especially Indian students travel to study in USA every year.

Why Study In USA?

1. American Education System

United States of America is well known for some of the most popular universities of the world. It is the nation where people work for innovation and exponential progress. American education is highly career-oriented. It helps students to be prepared for the opportunities and academic challenges of the world positively. Many American universities hold extra-curricular programs to entertain their students. There are many colleges and universities of United States that offer scholarships to international students.

2. Employment Opportunities

Majority of American universities allow international students to work on campus for up to 20 hours per week. Foreign students also receive internships to have the practical experience of their respective profession. Universities hold several interesting extra-curricular activities that keep the foreign students entertained throughout their stay. It is also international students choose to study in United States.

3. Lifestyle in USA

After studying in United States, the countless of opportunities welcome the foreign students. American education holds great value worldwide. This helps the students to flourish in their respective profession.

4. Cost of study in USA

United States offer a large number of scholarships to foreign students to study in US every year. Hence, it makes USA one of the top selections to study in for foreign students.

5. Why study in United States for Indian students? OR Benefits for Indian students

Immigrants from various countries and culture live in United States. Specifically, more than a million Indians live in America. Indian students may find Indian cultural programs in various parts of US. Number of Indian students travel to study in USA. Indian students may also get internship as per their educational qualification and achievements.

Full List Of Universities In USA

  •   Massachusetts Institute
  •   Stanford University
  •   University of California—Berkeley
  •   California Institute of Technology
  •   Carnegie Mellon University
  •   Georgia Institute of Technology
  •   University of Illinois
  •   Purdue University—West Lafayette
  •   University of Michigan—Ann Arbor
  •   University of Texas—Austin
  •   Texas A&M University
  •   Cornell University
  •   Columbia University
  •   Virginia Tech
  •   Northwestern University
  •   Rice University
  •   University of California—Davis
  •   University of Colorado
  •   Vanderbilt University
  •   Yale University
  •   University of Rochester
  •   University of California
  •   Boston University
  •   University of Virginia
  •   University of Florida
  •   Arizona State University
  •   Lehigh University
  •   Brown University
  •   New York University
  •   University of Utah
  •   Colorado School of Mines
  •   Dartmouth College
  •   Drexel University
  •   University of Dayton
  •   University of Illinois
  •   University of Tennessee
  •   Auburn University
  •   Colorado State University
  •   Stony Brook University
  •   University of California
  •   Clemson University
  •   Tufts University
  •   University of Connecticut
  •   Syracuse University
  •   Oregon State University
  •   University of Houston
  •   University of North Carolina
  •   Louisiana State University
  •   Texas Tech University
  •   University of Kansas
  •   University of Kentucky
  •   Lakehead University
  •   Laurentian University
  •   Nipissing University
  •   Kingswood University
  •   Stephen’s University
  •   Saint Paul University
  •   Ryerson University
  •   Trent University
  •   Bishop’s University
  •   University of Regina
  •   Quest University
  •   Trinity Western University
  •   University of Ontario
  •   University of Prince
  •   University Canada West
  •   Booth University College
  •   Trinity Western University